The plans and dreams for C.E.C. were born out of frustration and a perceived need. Out of frustration, because many evangelistic campaigns take place in local congregations, with hundreds, if not thousands of homes in their neighborhoods invited, but very few, possibly less than 1%, responding to the invitation and taking the time to visit the local church building. The perceived need was that education is desperately needed not only within the church, but throughout the Spanish speaking communities at large. The education needed first and foremost is of God, His available salvation and His word, but also reading and writing skills, parenting skills, personal relationship skills, conflict resolution skills, managing family finances skills, English as a Second Language, and so much more. And so, C.E.C. aims at turning every local church building into a Centro Educacional (Educational Center) where not only the church, but the local communities will want to come and find a source of biblically sound information in areas that matter most to them, such as their family, their church, their community, and ultimately their country.
What/Where/When/How of C.E.C.
WHAT ... is the “Centro Educacional Cristiano”?
It is the local congregation serving the church and the community around them with educational programs and other services that will improve the quality of their spiritual and secular lives.
WHERE ... can the “Centro Educacional Cristiano” be found?
The local congregation’s church building. The local church buildings in our days, for the most part, are used only on Sundays and a couple of evenings during the week; C.E.C. aims to change that so our buildings are used seven days a week.
WHEN ... will the “Centro Educacional Cristiano” begin?
The first C.E.C. was inaugurated in Ontario, California May 2, 1999. The first two S.I.B.I. biblical courses offered started August 26, 1999. Other classes and courses have been offered since that date, and more are planned.
HOW the “Centro Educacional Cristiano” going to educate and serve?
Educational programs offered by the church on different subjects abound today. It is not planned for C.E.C. to be an institute, school, or other educational organization requiring accreditation from the local authorities. Some courses may be offered, however, which would be accredited by outside organizations making use of our facilities.
Educational Programs and Services Offered and Planned
* Biblical courses on video tape
Sunset International Bible Institute has available at three different levels of study, videotaped copies in Spanish of their in-house classes. Level 1 & 2 non-credit, Level 3 with credit at S.I.B.I. Five courses are available at this time in Spanish, and being used by C.E.C. .
* Parenting
“Changing Destructive Adolescent Behavior” from Alternative Resources
This is a non-credit training course for parents with adolescents beginning to get involved in gangs and drugs.
* English as a Second Language
Courses on this very much needed subject will be offered through different programs at beginner, mid-level and advanced levels.
* Additional courses still in the planning stage: personal and family finances, First Aid, CPR, earthquake awareness, and other training or education that would in any way educate and serve the local church and the community around it.
* Christian libraries
Until recently very little in depth biblical research literature was available in Spanish for study of the Bible. Recent interest in biblical matters among Spanish speaking peoples has made a market for biblical research books available. Since the Spanish market is still small, many of the excellent research books in English now being translated into Spanish are extremely expensive, still keeping them out of reach of the majority of the students of the Bible. Our libraries bring these books within reach.
* Christian bookstores
Every effort is being made to have books published by the brotherhood available first, and careful scrutiny is being given to any literature from sources outside the brotherhood.
* Psychological services, marriage counseling and other services could be offered depending on the resources of the local congregation and the approval of the local overseeing elders or leaders.
Closing Remarks
The pilot project started in Ontario, CA, offers most of the educational programs and services available at the present time. All the video taped courses in Spanish from Sunset International Bible Institute are available to the congregations in the area. The plans for future stages of expansion of C.E.C. (which will be very much dependent on the funds available) call for other congregations to be added to the list where any or all of the courses and services will be offered.
Each congregation or C.E.C. will not be left up to its own resources to get organized and running; instead a general fund for raising the necessary economic resources has been set up. Even though all the local Centros Educacionales Cristianos will be linked to each other in terms of purpose and resources, the oversight of each local C.E.C. will be the responsibility of the local congregation’s elders or leaders.
This Spanish evangelistic outreach, and church and community service, is very much needed today in your community as well as the rest of the Spanish speaking world. We would like to invite you at this time to be a part of this work by including C.E.C. in your prayers, and making a pledge, or sending a one time contribution of any amount to the address at the end of this information bulletin. Your support is sincerely appreciated.
If you would like more information, please write or call us at:
Christian Educational Center/Centro Educacional Cristiano
1550 N. Palmetto Ave.
Ontario, California U.S.A. 91762-1228
909 391-3426 or 800 JUAN 8 36 (582-6836)
In our Lord's service
Tom Allen
Ontario, California